Call for Papers for the 2025 BITSS Annual Meeting

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Call for Papers for the 2025 BITSS Annual Meeting

The Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS) will hold its 13th Annual Meeting on Thursday, February 27 at UC Berkeley! This event is in-person only.


The BITSS Annual Meeting brings together actors from academia, scholarly publishing, and policy to share novel research and discuss efforts to improve the credibility of social science by advancing research transparency, reproducibility, rigor, and ethics. The program will also feature presentations of meta-scientific work selected from this Call for Papers, as well as a keynote presentation.     

Call for Papers

We invite papers or long abstracts (500-1000 words) in all aspects of meta-science, including but not limited to work that assesses scientific practice, evaluates the credibility of bodies of social science literature, presents new tools or strategies to improve research transparency and reproducibility, or evaluates the effectiveness of existing tools. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Pre-registration and the use of pre-analysis plans;
  • Disclosure and transparent reporting;
  • Research ethics;
  • Replicability and reproducibility;
  • Peer review;
  • Methods for detecting and reducing publication bias or data mining;
  • The intersection of openness and inclusion in science;
  • Assessment of the validity or reproducibility of literature;
  • Meta-analysis and evidence synthesis;
  • Open policy analysis;
  • Transparency and reproducibility in COVID-19 or other policy-relevant research.

Eligible projects include completed works, work in progress, and prospective work. All submissions are due by Sunday, November 17, 2024 (11:59 PM Pacific Time). Notifications of acceptance will be sent by mid-December 2024.  


Reach out to Jo Weech ( with any questions about this event.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.